Nobody Saves the World – Review

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From the studio that brought us the Guacamelee games, comes a fun and interesting take on your classic adventure style games. Nobody saves the world revolves around this unknown weak person who through a wand gains the power to transform into a variety of characters. Each of these characters have their own stat/attribute modifiers and their own quests for you to accomplish in order to power them up all the while defeating a wide variety of bad guys all amidst a writing that can be seen as both quirky and comedic!

The Good

The wide variety of characters in this game add a ton of variety and replayability, especially when it comes to the various dungeons throughout the game. Although they are level capped, some dungeons have specific elements that they lean towards which forces the player to come up with creative solutions and combinations of characters to use when trying to complete each dungeon. The challenge isn’t too hard to where you would get frustrated, but it does provide enough of a challenge that will have you contemplating the best approach to complete these dungeons.

As the story unfolds, you learn a bit more about the world and the main character while experiencing a diverse cast of NPC characters to interact with. These help the world feel alive in this game and each region you advance to has its own unique feel and sound that help to compliment these characters. Along with that are a bunch of different groups you could join within the game who also have their own set of quests leaving you with a ton of things to pursue during your playthrough that doesn’t ever seem to get too tiring.

The Bad

While I do love the variety of the game, it seems that no matter what, you will eventually land on your favorite 2-3 forms and given the right combination of abilities, at least in my playthrough thus far, that seems to be enough to complete most of the main objectives in the game. There are some other challenges that will require you to come up with creative solutions outside of those few characters, but some characters definitely feel as though they have a huge advantage on the others.

While playing the game, they have times where they start to gatekeep you…literally…to stop you from exploring other areas. This forces you to have to finish main story dungeons at some point to progress, even if you may have wanted to explore more of the world, find more faeries within the game, encounter new enemies etc… The decision to limit your exploration, while not new, can be frustrating for the explorative gamers in us and at some point you just feel forced into doing a dungeon you may not feel like doing.


This game is a hit, and the studio behind it knows what they are doing here. There is easily enough content to keep most players engaged for a while and this game is one that is hard to put down. I personally don’t mess with New Game + modes too often, but for this game, I may consider a change in that philosophy as I begin wondering how tackling a dungeon with different characters would change how I feel about the experience of that dungeon. If you are on the fence or never heard of this game, I highly urge anyone to check it out!

Rating – 9/10

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